- NegotiableLocations outside SEQ add travel costs
- Thu, 02 NovGriffith University Southport
- Mon, 25 SeptSunshine Coast Qld
- Thu, 10 AugSunshine Coast - venue tba
- Fri, 04 AugGold Coast - vebue tba
- Thu, 13 JulyGriffith University Southport
- Thu, 01 JuneThe Northern Outlook, Cairns
- Thu, 09 MarGriffith University Southport
- Wed, 08 FebMicrosoft Teams
- Thu, 03 NovGriffith University Southport
- Mon, 24 OctAthelstone Scout hall
- Thu, 29 SeptThe Northern Outlook, Cairns
- Thu, 15 SeptLocation is TBD in Darwin
- Thu, 14 JulyGriffith University, Gold Coast Campus
- Sat, 18 JuneKristiansand
understanding complex trauma practice - course DETAIL
'Understanding Complex Trauma Practice' is a six hour training designed for Support Workers, Teachers and others who work non-therapeutically with complex young people.
We keep the terminology simple and make complicated things easy to understand.
You will learn about changes happening in how we understand mental health, what drives behaviour and how everyone can be involved in creating a happier and healthier community.
We have all been in situations where complex young people just don't make sense. This is mostly because old models of behaviour were focused on the wrong things. It is not as complicated we were led to believe.
You will be presented with a perspective that is current and at the front of research. In fact, we have spent seven years doing our research through a doctoral program with Griffith University.
Be prepared for some new ideas and some simple but effective approaches.
Knowing what drives behaviour will enable you to know what to do in response. Here's a few guiding ideas that you will learn; less is more, slow is fast, the problem you see is really a solution to another problem.
6 hours
9am to 3pm (byo lunch - 30 minutes)
What is mental health?
Why is trauma complex?
Who dissociates and why?
What do I do?
What not to do!
Planning your human rights based practice
For bookings: https://www.youthflourish.org/training