These programs are available now! The referral process is here. Inquiries to our Program Manager or ph 1300 803 710.
Every young person has different needs. Our services are tailored to need, location, budget. Call us to brainstorm!
Want to see what our programs look like? Go to our facebook page.​
We have four open programs;
Weekly Group Adventures (Gold and Sunshine Coasts)
Adventure Based Youth Work
Year round service delivered in local areas to create regular therapeutic engagement.
Between 1 and 3 young people per 'group'
Qualified and experienced outdoor education staff cross trained in trauma focused work, most with a relevant undergraduate degree
3 hrs per weekly session x 6 weeks minimum
Door to door service - we drive to amazing outdoor spaces!
Wide range of activities for young people to choose from - geocache, canoe, bike ride, abseil...kite flying, games, etc
School suspension is no barrier - we collect young people wherever they are and drop them ... wherever they need to go
Modifiable - on the spot if needed
‘Bottom-up’ therapeutic focus - we connect young people with their executive functioning
Active, safe, graduated improvements, psychoeducation
Gold and Sunshine Coasts, Brisbane, Logan. Want this elsewhere? Call us!
Inquire to or call 1300 803 710
$380.00 per session (includes up to 3 young people) include transport, activities, therapeutic work, equipment, written report
NDIS Adventures
Year round service delivered in local areas to create regular innovative community participation.
Between 1 and 3 young people per 'group'
Qualified and experienced outdoor education staff cross trained in trauma focused work, most with a relevant undergraduate degree
3 hrs per weekly session for a minimum of six weeks
Door to door service - we drive to amazing outdoor spaces!
Wide range of activities for young people to choose from - geocache, canoe, bike ride, abseil...kite flying, games, etc
Modifiable - on the spot if needed
We are registered to deliver only innovative community participation. If NDIA managed that item must be in plans. For self and plan managed participants invoices are provided.
Requires physical mobility - we are not able to assist with chairs, hoists or any other mobility device
‘Bottom-up’ therapeutic focus - we connect young people with their bodies and executive functioning
Active, safe, graduated improvements, psychoeducation - brilliant for those on the spectrum
Gold and Sunshine Coasts, Brisbane, Logan. Want this elsewhere? Call us!
Inquire to or call 1300 803 710. Janelle works PT and will return your call.
$380.00 per session (includes up to 3 young people) include transport, activities, therapeutic work, equipment
We are registered for (Group and Support Item name) Innovative Community Participation under (Support Category) 0116 – Increased Social and Community Participation.
Written report is available if desired either at the end of the block of work or by brief weekly emails
NDIS Plan Managers may need this information from the Supports Catalogue:
Support Budget: CB Community, Social and Civic participation
Reg number: 0116
Registration Group: Innovative Community Participation
Support Cat number: 9
Support cat name: Increased social and community participation
Support item number: 09_008_0116_6_3
Support Item name: Innovative Community Participation
Support item desc: Mainstream services that promote inclusion of people with disability to expand opportunities for community participation and employment.
Unit: EA
Price controlled: N
Quote required: N
Weekly Group Adventures
Each term groups of teens meet after school to hang out and adventure together. Each term has a different theme. The groups are designed to increase social skills,
10 x weekly after school adventures, 3-30 to 6pm
Between 8 and 12 young people aged 11-15 years
1:3 max ratio adults : young people
Support workers/family can be accommodated also, on a case by case basis
4 weeks of NDIS adventures required before joining a group so that we can
assess the young persons capacity and plan for their concerns​ (social anxiety in particular)
ensure that the group is safe for everyone
ensure that they are a good fit for the program so they complete the experience
The entire group starts and finishes together​, not a rolling intake
Activities will start at the group base and will extend out into bushland and rivers as confidence develops
After the introductory group young people can joined themed groups (Canoeing, Bushwalk/Survival, Mountain Bike) which include an overnight camp on the first weekend after term.
Eligible for NDIS CB Community, Social and Civic participation - Innovative Community Participation
Introductory Group (10 weeks) - $1101.50 , Themed Groups (also incl camp cost) - $1954.00
Complex Case Management
After three or more ABYW/NDIS Adventure sessions a young person may be eligible for Complex Case Management.
Complex Case Management involves our Worker acting on behalf of a case manager to assist the young person through a complex solution finding process. This service is unique, tailored and time limited.
Possible activities:
Represent or accompany the young person at meetings (school, youth justice, police, community groups, case management meetings)
Explore possible solutions for and with the young person
Act in loco parentis at meetings, interviewing other supports, accompanying to appointments, acting as support person to the young person.
Advocate for the young person and organise specific solutions with stake holders (school welfare teams, YJ / Police teams, parents / carers)
Make recommendations to the Case Managers, carers, parents
Coordinate supports and support organisations to achieve the plan
Explain plans / decisions to the young person and support them to understand and adhere
Complex Case Management is charged by the hour, as directed. Mileage and expenses as arranged. $109.00 per hour
Inquire to or call 1300 803 710.